How to Have the Most Elegant Kitchen Cabinets, Without Spending a Fortune

Whether or not it seems plausible on hearing it the first time, but the truth is, cabinets happen to be on the top of the expense list when it comes to designing kitchens. Modular kitchens in Trivandrum, and other such cities have owners trying to come up with unique ideas to have great cabinets, but at not so great prices. While wood is the go-to material for most, it’s also not inexpensive! So, what are some other ways that people can have durable, high-quality and highly good-looking kitchen cabinets, at minimal cost?

Let’s look around… 

Let design, color, and materials harmonize perfectly

People with small and compact kitchens too must feel like having a more pleasurable work area where their cooking creativity can take a new high they enter. And one way to make space come more alive is by creating a harmony of design and color through cabinets. Choose no more than three or four colors for not just the cabinets, but the Countertop and the immediate surrounding area as well. Also, instead of having a whole lot of small cabinets that might mess with the symmetry of your kitchen instead go with a mix of two sizes. This will not only make the kitchen look more symmetrical, but also be more functional, as it’ll get easier for you to find various items. 

Classy and Inexpensive

Many a modular kitchen in Trivandrum are L-shaped, and this design is just right to make space look much wider if used properly. To make your L-shaped kitchen have an elegant look about it, that is to make it look more expensive than it actually is, you can use a combination of synthetic materials and wood. Especially, if you get your cabinets carved out of low-density wood while adorning them with robust steel handles, you’re going to have a classy looking kitchen area, at costs reduced by a significant percentage.

The innate charm of… well, thermo foil

Another way you can make your guests go gaga over your kitchen cabinetry is by making use of thermo foil. It’s nothing but medium density fiberboard wrapped in a plastic coating, which when baked, gets you a sealed shiny finish - something that looks like it came right out of a popular home design or any interior design magazine. Anyone who sees it is definitely going to be in awe of it, while only you’ll know that you made this beauty possible at no more than a third of the cost of expensive wood!

Wood and synthetic material makes a great match

Wood is good. That’s a simple truth. But, we have also seen, that it does no good with one’s budget. So, how do we come up with a way to include more wood in the kitchen? One way is to have design combination of wood and synthetic material. Now, who can say that an artistically designed contemporary kitchen with one long counter made from blue granite, and half the cabinets made from wood, while the other half being lacquered cabinets, isn’t attractive? The answer, of course, is no one. No one would find it remotely unattractive. And an added advantage on top of it being cheaper than say, pine or maple wood, is that the surface is super easy to clean and maintain. Isn’t that just perfect!

This was our list of a few simple tips, following which; you can make your modular kitchen a perfect vision without having to spend a fortune!


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